Control your blood sugar as close to normal as possible helps you feel better and reduces the risk of long-term complications of diabetes. People with diabetes work to keep their blood sugar as near to normal as possible. Keeping your blood sugar in your target range can help prevent or delay the start of diabetes complications such as nerve, eye, kidney, and blood vessel damage. Tight control means getting as close to a normal (nondiabetic) blood glucose level as you safely can.
Studies have shown use of continuous glucose monitoring system have significant clinical benefits. It allows patients to understand changes in their glucose level and identify hidden risks, it allows doctors for early diagnoses, disease prevention, and complication control. Its unique features including real-time alert for the administration of insulin medication help doctors achieve improved control of glucose levels and a lower rate of hypoglycemia. For more information on how to use CGM for better glucose control, click here
By paying close attention to what and when you eat, you can minimize or avoid the “seesaw effect” of rapidly changing blood sugar levels, which can require quick changes in medication dosages, especially insulin. By combining medications, exercise, and diet, the patient can achieve optimum health on their road to recovery. When the patient has type 1 or type 2 diabetes, that patient needs to be very aware of not only what he or she eats, but also when and how much he or she eats. Hiring a Certified Diabetes Educator can work with the patient to develop a healthy meal plan that fits the patient’s lifestyle. Following a meal plan can also help you lose weight and lower your risk of developing complications. Adherence to a diabetic diet is a critical aspect of controlling blood sugar in people with diabetes.
When considering an ideal diabetic diet, several factors must be taken into consideration, including the amount and type of carbohydrates consumed as well as the amount of fiber , fat, and protein contained in foods. Glycemic index and glycemic load are further considerations. Foods with low glycemic index and load raise blood sugar more slowly than high glycemic index/load foods. The glycemic index refers to a standardized measurement, while the glycemic load takes a typical portion size into account.
When thinking about exercise, it is important that the patient’s physical activity is monitored when trying to control diabetes and prevent complications such as heart disease and high blood pressure. By walking for 30 minutes or getting a light jog in every morning can help prevent complications and control the patient’s diabetes in the long run.